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  1. I have many files on my external disk but I do not experience any substantial delay It may be that you are using the disk for the first time? After that you will find a file added to you external device that will be used on subsequent connections and the load time will be negligible
  2. I use the standard Media Player on my LG Nanocell TV It plays all the modern media type, MKV and MP4 perfectly smoothly If a file will not play I run it through Format Factory on my PC to convert to MKV with 265 compression No visible loss of quality but file size reductions are beneficial as I have a large archive As for the frame drops and lagging, I suggest you look at the cable you are using to connect the USB and try a different USB. The cheap ones are not always good quality I run my videos from a USB hdd
  3. Are you sure the channel you are watching provides subtitles? IPTV cannot just magic them up for you I have IPTV smarters installed on my LG TV I do get subtitles on series, but only arabic Maybe a function of my location Nothing on live channels
  4. Thanks
  5. Where did you get that idea? A link would be useful
  6. I may be old fashioned but I turn off my TV at the power socket at night
  7. I don't see subtitles on any series with IPTV smarters With the films there are subtitles in Arabic on my subscription
  8. Occasionally they have issues and loose account details Give them a call They are available on WhatApp +91 70660 78966 I have found them to be helpful and responsive
  9. 1 Hot Player is not available on LG 2. It is not supported by IPTV Smarters Please keep with the Thread
  10. Why not use the builtin Media Player on the LG TV? It is very good and reliable
  11. If you are plugging a USB directly into to TV. the internal Media Player ignores all colour information However on my Nano90 TV subtitles are displayed correctly and readably Otherwise you may need to buy an external Android box to play the videos then the full formatting options will be available
  12. Have you checked your aerial and cable?
  13. Glad you found the solution For others, note that I had a similar problem very recently with an older TV, 2 years old Drop out of connection to hard disk I tracked it down to a faulty cable connecting the drive to the TV A new cable for $3 and all is fine again
  14. I have a different model of TV but no problem with external disks, even with multiple folder levels. Have you checked for an update of the Player app?
  15. You will probably need an external android box to load the app Then feed the signal to your LG TV via HDMI
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