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Vladimir Voronov

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Vladimir Voronov last won the day on December 5

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  1. Yes, any LG IR-remote will work.
  2. The method works on all LG models, regardless of the year, here for example - not 2024, but TVs from the latest years of production https://webos-forums.ru/post151943.html#p151943 https://webos-forums.ru/post163083.html#p163083
  3. The ability to record TV programs can be enabled by reprogramming two bytes in the EEPROM of the TV using a programmer from Aliexpress Instructions are here https://webos-forums.ru/topic3185.html
  4. Hello dinoc! You can use your TV browser or app for Windows - Color Control to open service menu. https://webos-forums.ru/topic3173.html
  5. Information about the reasons for turning off the TV (due to problems with the equipment or a normal shutdown with the remote control) is stored in the logs of the TV service menu. You can look there and evaluate what causes the shutdown. The decoding of the codes is here: https://webos-forums.ru/post174691.html#p174691.
  6. Try Aerial webOS screensaver for webOS: https://webos-forums.ru/post176018.html#p176018
  7. lginputhook will let you remap any the mutton on Magic Remote JackSparrow @ Сменить функцию кнопки ivi/Netflix на пульте Magic Remote
  8. To get LG app store try to use this instruction https://webos-forums.ru/post179673.html#p179673
  9. 75UT7590PUA - Y2024 model. You need MR24 Magic Remote.
  10. Hello, I think yu need to change country code in TV's service menu https://webos-forums.ru/smena-regiona-strany-obsluzhivaniya-i-veshchaniya-televizora-t3572.html
  11. Rollback and restoration of previous LG firmware versions https://webos-forums.ru/topic3157.html
  12. The TV turns off and turns on spontaneously https://webos-forums.ru/topic4648.html
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