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PatL last won the day on December 27 2022

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  1. All of the suggestions on that link were attempted, but none worked. As reported in the post above, the problem ended up being the Amazon app update that was no playing well with the LG TVs. The Amazon CS team confirmed that to me when I was troubleshooting after trying everything else for hours to correct it. Once they corrected it in late Dec, all was well
  2. Yea, definitely overdue, but for now I will happily live with the old version that worked compared to the latest effort that locks up the system and fails to produce music.
  3. I called Amazon CS and they said it is a known problem and has to do with a bug in the latest release of the app. "They are working on it". I don't now why they don't re-release the old version until they get their act together
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