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Assistenza MailProva

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Everything posted by Assistenza MailProva

  1. You have a new 2024 model, a c4. even if you open the service menu, you cannot edit the value. You can unlock that with jailbreak, but till today there is no publick jailbreak avaiable for you tv
  2. Yes, the DVR work by setting Germany as the country No, l'ordine dei canali non è quello italiano to short correctly the channel list, you must use an external app called ChanSort. 1. using the italian setting, export channel list to USB. Copy the .TLL file on the pc and name it ITALIAN.TLL 2.Change country to Germany and export again the channel list. Copy the .TLL file on the pc and name it Germany.TLL 3. Open ChanSort and choose Germany.TLL. the program will ask you what you want to do, choose an option that say something like "short channel like a existing list" (italian: "Copia Elenco canali: ordina i canali come in un elenco di riferimento) and choose ITALIAN.TLL as reference list. If the app trow some exception ignore click ok and go on Save the shorted list using the original name "GlobalClone00001.TLL" and impot back on the tv if you need the italian guide google this: "attivazione timeshift e registrazione su oled lg" Else contact me on telegram @Ca0ss93; i will send you a video guide
  3. OLED G36LA at Greece Toolopt6 --> 1913902603 Support ATV DVR -->on DVR ready --> on
  4. you enter the wrong menu, you should enter on ez-adjust menu, not instart. the correct button is the red-cicled one, the default password to enter is 0413. based on the code i see on your photo, you should have already dvr enabled, you can enable dolby atmos using this code "541842440" if long pressing the red button say that your tv does not support recording, you must change country to other one (like germany)
  5. i can't confirm. some tv are the same but have little changes like the wifi module etc. if you use that code, you can enable pvr probably but there are a lot of chance that he will disable wifi so please, read the original code. fortunately yout tv is like mine (mine have same model number) and is fully supported by my calculator. open Github and search for "ToolOPT6" and you will calculate by yourself In my experience you can enable "Support ATV DVR", "DVR Ready" and set "Sound Mode" to Dolby Atmos without any issue. N.B. The code "541838600" is not for UP75 Series but it still a vadid code. If you put on the tv, you will disable "Digital eye", lost WiFi and Bluetooth functionality and disconnect all smart remote. Please don't do that
  6. you can enable dolby using 541842696, it will make appear "dolby atmos" in sound settings like the photo. you should have a better sound quality. I succesfull activate it on my 55up7500 that according to LG site, i should't have
  7. 541838600 = dvr enabled 541842696 = dvr enabled + dolby atmos in sound option. 541846792 OR 541850888 = dvr enabled + DTS Virtual X you can enable but you must change country from menu because if you select italy, pvr still disabled, it's a SIAE legal stuff
  8. You can do that with jailbreak of the tv. Wrote me on github here https://github.com/ca0ss/ToolOPT6-Calculator/ opening a issue
  9. your code should be this: 1913705995 can you please send a photo of your toolopt6 menu? thx
  10. 541838600 = dvr enabled 541842696 = dvr enabled + dolby atmos in sound option. 541846792 OR 541850888 = dvr enabled + DTS Virtual X you can contribute here https://github.com/ca0ss/ToolOPT6-Calculator you can enable but you must change country from menu because if you select italy, pvr still disabled, it's a SIAE legal stuff.
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