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  1. Thanks Michael! Thank you Buymode. Bob
  2. I currently have three LG smart TVs. I use YouTubeTV on all of them. It's been convenient to have all three of them working (more of less) exactly the same. But now I want to replace one of them with a Samsung Smart TV. And I will want to use YouTubeTV on the Samsung. I think in theory it should all work ok. But before I take this expensive step I wanted to check here. Do any of you mix smart TV brands without problems? Thanks, Bob
  3. Thanks for responding Trung. I will poke around on Reddit. Although I will have to table this for awhile because of other higher priority things I have to work on. Thanks, Bob
  4. Wow! Very interesting post. At least to you and I since we both seem to have a very similar problem. Your post inspired me to, finally, check the connection speed of an LG TV which I have in my basement and is only about 10-15 feet from my router. For a long time I've had a problem where, after a while, the video on my TV will freeze and a rotating circle will appear on the screen for several seconds, then the screen will go black, and then the video will resume. This happens almost every time I am using this TV, maybe every time. I've had no idea what the problem might be, but I did not even consider internet speed because I have two other LG TVs, both further away from the router which do not have the problem. I did a speed check on the basement TV and got 17Mbps. I did the same test on the LG TV in the kitchen, about 25 to 30 feet from the router, and got 67Mbps. I have attached a photo showing all of the details of the basement TV. I hope you find this info useful. But I am not sure what I might do about it. I suppose I will make one call to LG support. But I expect I will be told that the TV is out of warranty. In any event thanks for your post. I learned something interesting. Good Luck, Bob
  5. Samething happened to me a few weeks ago. Finally concluded that the wifi card was fried by a momenntary power failure. I wanted try a wired connection to see if the problem went away but it just wasn't practical. (And I sort of wanted to replace the set with a new OLED model.) Was there any evidence that there might have been a power failure prior to the wifi breaking?
  6. I am not surprised that there is no answer to your question. But I am surprised that no one has supported the idea/request. I wish I had known that Samsung offers such an app before I bought my latest LG - which I bought primarily so that it would work as much alike as possible with my other two LG TVs. On the other hand I suspect that no LG employee ever looks at this forum and so expressing any support for your idea/request here is likely meaningless. However, I will in the future mention this disadvantage every time I review an LG TV. Thanks for your post. Bob
  7. Thank you very much Smartboy (an appropriate handle IMHO)! I didn't even know I had a browser app! I very much appreciate your help. Bob
  8. I have problems with one of my WebOS TVs which looks like a speed problem, but when I do a speed check on my iPhone from just a few feet away the connection speed looks fine. Thanks, Bob
  9. The Wi-Fi module in my LG TV, roughly 5 or six years old, (WebOS UJ6300) is apparently broken. I am looking for a solution cheaper and maybe more interesting than having the TV repaired. There are devices which will pick up Wi-Fi, convert it to ethernet, and deliver it to the male part of an ethernet port. In the past I have used such a device to provide Wi-Fi support to a desktop computer which did not have Wi-Fi support but did have an ethernet port. I forget the particulars, but it did work just fine. But a smart TV with Web 0S is not a desktop or laptop computer. My concern is how to provide the SSID and password to the device. My vague recollection is that such a device in a laptop or desktop computer can trigger a dialogue which requests the SSID and password. But will web OS provide such a dialogue? If I recall correctly, wired ethernet connections do not require SSIDs or passwords. Thanks, Bob
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