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Clifford455 last won the day on January 18 2024

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  1. If this tv is like mine (oled65c2) then it is not getting the 3.5v to the power switch/IR module.
  2. Has anyone been in the tv? If this tv is like mine (oled65c2) then it is not getting the 3.5v to the power switch/IR module
  3. I found mine to be sort of self inflicted. It seems lg decided to use flip up disconnect for all ribbon connectors except the one that goes to power switch/ IR. It is opposite so it was essentially disconnected. After I found that, everything worked. Thanks for response.
  4. It did not work on my oled65c2 tv. I have replaced all boards twice. Is there normally a standby or power light close to switch? TV comes on immediately upon plugging in with instructions to press wheel on remote.
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