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Ozzie T

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  1. This worked! Turned off QuickStart+. Life is good. Thanks so much. Whew.
  2. We have a 65UM7300AUE with software version 05.40.10. We have a Google TV dongle plugged into the HDMI 1 port and that is the input we use most of the time. Until recently every time we would turn the TV on it would default to HDMI 1 and the Google TV home screen would be the first thing we’d see. Life was good. Several weeks ago that changed and now the LG OS (I assume) home screen is the first thing we see. Then we have to use the LG remote to select HDMI 1 each time. We never used to have to do this or use the LG remote at all. Kind of annoying. We think we have HDMI 1 chosen as our default input but it doesn’t seem to matter. Any ideas on how we get things back to the way they used to be with the TV defaulting to HDMI 1 automatically?
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