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  1. Looking online this number is for a TV not a satellite. The built in freesat tuner on my LG SM8600PLA does not have a favourite programme button on the magic remote picture quality not as good as Sky through Sky plus HD box.
  2. Will give this a try, also noted picture quality reduced using built in freesat. Thanks for helping.
  3. I have the same issue i cannot find a way round it.
  4. Try resetting TV to factory settings and re tune.
  5. I found it in settings on web browser page just scroll down.
  6. Hi, TPTVencore worked before software upgrade 05.40.61, program loads no issue when play is selected error message appears saying refresh is there a work round for this Talking pictures TV have no resolution for the issue, TV is a SM8600PLA tv is hard wired with a strong internet conection robsie.
  7. tptv encore login page locks up when i click on enter email address, LG smart tv it worked in the past i can access on my phone and tablet. All other applications using web OS. Any help appreciated
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