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  1. Available in Germany for my 55LB671v
  2. Singapore: 5.00.04 for the 55LB650T is also available.. http://www.lg.com/sg/support-product/lg-55LB650T
  3. The buiilt-in LG's DLNA player in LG TV's is crap. You cannot switch audio and subtitles. And LG's just ignores the clients. There wll be no better software player. LG told me to buy a LG Bluray Player. These players do support these features. I will OF COURSE not buy from LG ! Fix ? Switch the audio channel sequence with mkvmerge from the mkvtoolnix suite.. https://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix/
  4. Hmm. Thank you for your proposal to try Plex. I know about it, but do not want to run another application on my NAS just to fix things, LG is not properly supporting in their firmware. @Dejan Fehirow: Yes. I asked about features of the new forthcoming firmware !
  5. I searched this thread for some facts about the "new" smart share (DLNA) player. With the current official version of WEB-OS i am unable to switch audio channels or subtitles when the files are being played from a DLNA-Server. (I tried avi's and MKV's) Will this get any better with the forthcoming feature pack for our 2014 models ? Honestly the capabilities of that Smart Share Player are rather minimal. It is not an APP so there can't be quick updates. That is really a shame. Fun fact. LG BluRay Players.. Even my very old models.. Do have these features. :-(
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