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  1. I have a LG OLED55C14LB WebOS TV in the same room as my xubuntu desktop computer and router. I have installed Gnome Network Displays on the Linux PC and both machines are on the same 5G network. When I connect the PC to the TV via WiFi the TV puts up a 'cancel' option and no option to connect. The Network display app only has an option to 'Return' which closes the connection. If I do nothing and wait the connection times out and returns to the TV program. The TV is obviously waiting for permission to connect. I cannot see any way to 'accept' the connection via the TV remote. Can anyone tell me how to accept the connection? In addition, is it possible to have the TV remember the WiFi password? Passwords are complex nowadays and it is a pain to keep having to input it. This make casting your desktop a chore.
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