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  1. hello members my friend has just brought a new 55inch oled. He watches Sky 90% of the time from using he's sky box. we have the sky box set up on HDMI 1. we are trying to find a way that he can use just the one remote ( the new magic oled one ) that comes with the TV. so far we have worked out you can control sky through using the magic oled remote, we can change channels and so on. we have also just worked out you can switch the TV off and it also switches of the sky box off, but we cant work out how to switch sky box and TV on at the same time from using the magic remote. in order to switch the sky box on we have to go into home hub, select HDMI 1 and we then get the option box come up that says do you want to switch on sky box ( at this point we obviously select yes ) and it switches sky box on. we were looking for a easier fix, to switching tv and sky box on at the same time just from the one remote without having to go into things. i have also noticed there is a sky app , does this app do the same as the sky box ? any help appreciated Matt
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