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  1. Hi all, I'm Danny and have a problem with my LG OLED65C8; since a few months when playing movies, either from my Syno NAS or just plain USB, subtitles are being displayed double (over or above eachother) or are displayed for sometimes minutes after the sentence's been spoken. The videofiles haven't got any hardcoded subs but either subs included in the mkv container or as separate srt of ssa file. Disabling subs removes the display of subs, enabling subs results in double or persistent subs. Subtitles have been disabled in the accessability menu, factory reset did not help. I searched but as far as I can see this problem has not been discussed yet, also googled and never came across this problem. Perhaps someone here can help? Kind regards, Danny ---------------- SOLUTION, for me at least: I used ColorControl to reboot the TV. It's weird that a factory reset did not work but a simple reboot did.
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