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Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma

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Everything posted by Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma

  1. It is unprofessional on part of LG TV that they do not resolve the basic issue of adding app gCmob in their app store. My 50UT80506LA LG WebOs TV does not support my office security camera system via wifi to TV. We need (gCmob app) in list of app. I can't connect my office camera via Wi-Fi to LG-TV. No body in LG TV technical team is proactive in resolving the issue of customer. They are more happy to befool the customers, rather than looking for technical solution through wider thinking. Please talk to you top management and make a visit to our office to understand the customers plight.. Please respond to customers needs. Regards, Ramesh Chand Vishwakarma MD/CEO DeGicon Pro Iternatiuonal Pvt. Ltd. Noida, UP +91 9910246766 Receipt of LG TV from Om Prakash Yadav.pdf
  2. I am also facing the same issue with my 50UT80506LA LG WebOs TV. I can not connect my camera (gCmob app) via wifi to TV. It is unprofessional by LG TV to bar the customers and do nat respond to genuine requirements of customers.
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