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Everything posted by wolfiereveles

  1. Guys, the webOS developers don't make all the webOS apps, you need the company behind the security cameras to get involved for this to happen. You should be reaching out to THEM, and then they can turn to webOS development team for support in developing THEIR security camera app for the webOS platform. So far they are only available on Android and iOS from what I can tell. That is likely a decision from the service provider to only focus on the large mobile platforms, not on any smart TV platforms.
  2. I mean, isn't this just the same for any platform, any brand, any manufacturer? If a service doesn't have an app on Android or Apple, you don't argue with the platform provider. You reach out to the service provider. It's up to the company that made the security system if they want to develop a webOS app and they will likely only invest in development if they believe it will significantly increase their sales. LG doesn't make webOS apps for third party service providers, it only offers the platform. Makes very little sense to tell the webOS developers to fix this. gCmob seems to be on Android, equivalent iCmob on iOS. They don't seem to be on any TV-platform. Best solution is probably to use an android device and sync it to your webOS TV to display the feed as the screenshare with Android also supports two-way-interaction letting you command the android device to some extent from the TV with a magic remote (if I remeber correctly).
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