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  1. Maybe buy chromecast.....newest webos is bad too.
  2. Thanks! But im afraid to install 3rd party programs on brand new oled 🤔
  3. I wish a nice screesaver with timing settings and types.
  4. Why theres no screensaver settings, like timer, type of screensaver etc? How to even go back to fireworks after clock appear? What is this in such a expensive TVs?
  5. Bump. The same problem still!
  6. Hello! Please answer about this. Its very bad and can couse burn in!
  7. Is there any support out there?!
  8. Hello, What have happen with screensaver? It doesnt appear now and its dangerous for my Oled C3. It May cause burn in. Why its like this now and when it will be fixed?
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