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  1. Thank you for your response. I have tried all HDMI ports having been advised by Panasonic that I should be using port 2 with eARC active. Out sound settings has been selected and than selecting the port in which time I also tried using the other ports. Please note I'm using a converter to audio in with the right mode. TV has the Latest firmware installed. Thanks for helping me troubleshoot this issue. i have attached a copy of the Panasonic surround Sound System. Panasonic_SC-HT500.pdf
  2. HI All I wondering if any help can be provided as I just purchased the LG C4 TV but having trouble getting any sound from my SC-HT500 Panasonic Theater Surround sound system having tried connecting to all four ports. I managed to connect to the universal remote via management of setting where the theater system powers up in which it's getting recognized but not getting and sound with no signal. Please see screen shots along with manual of the surround sound system Is there anything I'm missing in the set-up that I should try? Panasonic_SC-HT500.pdf
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