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  1. Hi again and sorry for the late reply. Yes that product code seems to be the deciding factor. I suspect anyone with a product code of PF50KG-GL.AEULLAN will not be able to upgrade to v03.00.17 while those with the code PF50KG-GL.APDLLAN will be able to. It would be good to put that information in the instructions for updating the firmware. It would also be interesting to hear from others who succeeded in upgrading their projector on which product code they have. Cheers.
  2. Hi Hardkernel, I would like to know the product code of your device, it is written on the underside of the projector. It is not the same as the model name. My product code matches user Adam Matis's product code and this device is definitely incompatible with this Korean update. The way to unbricking this device is very long and complicated so I will not go into details here, but if there are any users in the same situation feel free to send me a message asking how I did it. I have checked now and this update v04.70.35 has an ID = HE_DTV_W17R_AFAAABAA, which is definitely not compatible with this PF50KG projector. It is not even made for a projector as DTV stands for a digital television. It is also an unreleased beta update (it has NSU in it's name as opposed to USB) so even for compatible products it could have bugs. I think nobody should try using this update on their device unless they really know what they're doing. Finally, the discoloration that occurred when I tried to force my device to run the Korean firmware looked like the image I attached below, completely broken.
  3. Hi, I have spent considerable time unbricking my projector but I succeeded and it is possible. The replacement motherboard was not compatible with my device (it came from a PF50KS-EU model) so in the end I fixed my old motherboard. Model is PF50KG-GL, product code is PF50KG-GL.AEULLAN. The OTAID of my device is HE_PJT_W17X_AAAAGLAA (the ID of the update should match the ID of the device to make sure they are compatible with each other) while the OTAID of the Korean update is HE_PJT_W17Z_AAAAAAAA. I have managed to run the Korean firmware v03.00.17 on my device and can confirm it is NOT compatible (colors look broken, it doesn't respond to button presses and runs extremely slow). The NSU update v03.00.09 is made for my device but I don't think it contains the LG Content Store so I haven't tried it. I have managed to get my device back to stock firmware v03.00.06 and I have installed Youtube ad-free from the Homebrew channel and I'm satisfied. If anyone has a projector of the same model and product code I advise to NOT update to this Korean software. I cannot say anything about any other models and product codes.
  4. I just bricked my projector by flashing the Korean firmware! I have a model PF50KG-GL manufactured in March of 2019, it was on version v3.00.06 before updating. I rooted it successfully using Dejavuln's Autoroot method, turned Telnet on, I set up a USB stick with the Korean software update to v03.00.17 and then used Telnet to install. After maybe 5-10 minutes it prompted me to restart the projector to apply the WebOS update (it did not restart by itself) and after I hit the restart - no image whatsoever. Not even a black screen. The fans spin up and keep spinning and there is no reaction whatsoever from the device except it's ability to turn on or off. The USB port doesn't work (connected keyboard or mouse do not even light up), the device doesn't connect to my WiFi or LAN when I connect a LAN cable (so I am not able to send telnet commands). When connected via HDMI my PC doesn't recognize it as a monitor. It's a proper brick and I have no ideas how to proceed other than a swap of the mainboard. While user Matis is trying out the debugging method I have ordered a replacement mainboard from here: http://rtv-oborniki.com . It is not exactly the same as the one in my projector but should work. I paid 45€ including shipping. I will post an update here if it works and if I remember to.
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