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  1. that link does not work ...
  2. Hello, I am really sorry to see that absolutely no one has reacted to my suggestion. Not even by finding the idea interesting. So I fear that LG is not interested on unsupported suggestions on this forum. Is there another forum more responsive than this one? Thanks
  3. Hello, I have a new C4 TV. Here is the problem I am facing, as well as a suggestion for improvement. When you have an acoustic deficiency, it is much easier to use a headset (via bluetooth). But the only current option is to switch the sound to the internal speakers when you activate the bluetooth. It is still a shame to penalize other people who watch TV by no longer allowing the use of a good sound installation that you have (sound bar, ...) because a person needs an acoustic aid. Would it be possible to add this combination (optical output + bluetooth) to satisfy everyone? I add that I tried to place an optical splitter to combine the 2, however, there is a bug apparently because as soon as you turn off the headset, there is a white rectangle which probably indicates an error that appears very briefly but every few seconds, which makes TV viewing impossible. Thanks for the follow-up
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