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  1. The fastest way I have found : Click Settings button on Remote From Settings screen Popup, Select PICTURE On that Picture screen that pops up, select ASPACT RATIO On that Aspect Ratio Screen that pops up, select USER SELECTION On that USER Selection screen, choose which aspect ratio you want (I toggle between Original & 4-way Zoom to get the bottom LOGO(s) and Crawl off the screen to prevent burn-in) Once set, you have to click the left arrow return button on the remote to get out of that Aspect screen. Then you can just click anywhere on the TV screen to get rid of all the settings screens. So THIS is my issue I wish the developers would fix. It takes way too many steps to set Aspect ration now under the latest WebOS version vs the older LG OLED WebOS software.
  2. Are you referring to my post ? The Steps to access Aspect ratio?
  3. Honestly, that's crazy ... "root access to the TV" ? How about the developers of WEBOS just provide a simple solution? Like the ability to ADD "Aspect Ratio" to the Quick Access setting screen?
  4. Totally agree. The Previous version of LG WEBOS had this. Popped up as an option along Right side of screen.
  5. The only thing we have found that makes a this a "little" faster is if we press the "*" settings button on the remote, then select the Settings Icon on the top left of the settings screen (above Recent History), the Picture mode is the first thing to come up, which includes ASPECT Ratio. So yea, a but faster. But STILL would be nice to have it available to added/edit to the Initial Settings screen.
  6. I wanted to add something to this feature request. The OLDER version of LG WebOS on our old LG OLED had the settings pop-up vertically on the RIGHT side of the screen. Aspect Ratio was one of the options which allowed a quick (2 click?) of adjusting the aspect ratio. This new SETTINGS screen on the Left has all of the options in 1 big layout. While "PICTURE" is an Option, to go thru all the sub-options to get to ASPECT RATIO is tedious at best. Hence why I think it would be great to allow ANY option to be added to that SETTINGS screen for faster selection.
  7. We are able to EDIT some of the functions that are in the initial SETTINGS screen. However other functions that are layers deep into the settings are unable to be dragged/dropped into that EDIT function. Like ASPECT RATIO. To get to that feature requires a long list of clicking things. It is a function that we use a LOT in order to prevent screen burn-in on these OLED screens. (to be able to watch a channel for extended period of time that happens to have that stupid LOGO or "crawl" along the bottom. Like CNN or MSNBC).
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