Brand new LG OLED 65"G4 has color blotching (or banding), not sure what the official term is. Netflix & Prime especially on any picture setting, and the "vivid" setting on everything. I don't really use vivid anyway but should not be happening. Of course I tried all suggested online and tech supported fixes to no avail. I called LG and after many very frustrating routings to different agents, they refused to send a replacement because their policy says within "30 days of purchase." I pointed out that it was now day 28 and therefore is within your policy, the person stated that by the time they go through the process, it would be over the 30 day limit! I mean, talk about banging your head against a wall! How do you argue with such logic?? After a few more call routings, they connected me with a repair service. The man came out within days and replaced the board (I think that's what it's called) but no dice, the problem remained. He then ordered a new panel which I'm still waiting for. It would have been cheaper for LG to just send a new TV rather than replace a panel and pay a repair man for two house calls. Crazy! I've had 5 LG OLEDs without a problem. This is very upsetting.