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Everything posted by Horniak

  1. BUG: Impossible to play an RTSP stream directly to LG WebOS. According to LG it should work: https://www.lg.com/ae/lg-story/helpful-guide/what-is-webos "● Real-time Video Streaming WebOS supports various IP video streaming protocols, including RTSP/RTP/HLS and UDP Multicast, for live streams. Its excellent capacity for content playback facilitates easy management of real-time video content." ------ After reading friggin everywhere, and on this forum, there is no easy way to do this without external products. I own 2 LG oleds, one 77" c1 and one 55" c4. And the c4 was bought with this usecase in mind. So, how do I open an rtsp:// stream on WebOs? Thanks
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