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  1. My bad. downgrade complete 60lb7500 Thanks simon!!!!
  2. At step 11 "Update failed due to unknown error" 60LB7500
  3. Thanks simon ill give that a shot when i get home
  4. Ok so iv got the dump now, and it finds the firmware but it fails to download and install???
  5. Iv done a factory reset, still no good!!!! it even does it when im on the ps4 (hdmi input 1) Shayne, how did you manage to down grade? i had a good crack at it last night but no luck, got nothing in the dump file!!!
  6. Hi all........ Ok so after the latest firmware update i now get a error message "This app will now restart to free up more memory" only seems to happen 30min - 45min after its first turned on and then every few minutes after that until its turned off and on again!!!! Any ideas??? 60LB7500 05.00.04 1.4.0-2504 (afro-ashley)
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