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cajalista last won the day on December 24 2016

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  1. Hola Amigo CajaLista mi nombre es Richard  radico en Lima Peru, una consulta sobre mi antiguo Smart LG TV 42LB6500-SF . Como puedo hacer para actualizar el software WebOS TV para poder visualizar mis videos del facebook desde mi celular o Laptop, te agradeceria mucho que me ayudaras a hacerlo.

    Gracias, por tu atención, saludos y bendiciones.

    Richard Castro

    +51 998319227

    [email protected]

  2. Same here. Update 05.05.35 TV 42LB650VAll looks like good. Regards
  3. Hi. Firmware installed and same here. I can't see any changes for now.
  4. Hello. It's important to know what TV model you are talking about.
  5. It works cool on my tv the new update, no problems at all, and a little bit faster than the older one. New version 5.00.60 Old version 5.00.55 PS. I never reset my TV because I didn't need TV 42LB650V Spanish Firmware.
  6. Thank you very much for the info and the fast answer. Downloading new firmware (Spanish version).
  7. Hi. There is no official "Spanish download" link for firmware version 05.00.60. (42LB650V) http://www.lg.com/es/television/lg-42LB650V Is UK version the same firm.? Can I download the new UK firmware version for my 42LB650V? http://www.lg.com/uk/support/support-product/lg-42LB650V UK web has "Software & Firmware" TAB, but Spanish web not. Sorry for my English.
  8. No issues last firmware .55, wired connection. 42LB650v
  9. Official update OTA 05.00.55 in Spain.
  10. Updated Location and TV model: Done
  11. No, you have different version software and firmware because your TV is 2015, and ours are 2014. Sorry for my English.
  12. 05.00.15 on my 650V official update via OTA.
  13. Never update official site in Spain and UK, only update via OTA. Firmware 5.00.04 is awesome. Fast and smooth TV LG 42LB650
  14. Yeah.... Available in Spain via OTA. Awesome. LG webOS TV 42LB650V-ZN Previous Firmware was: 04.45.25. New version: 05.00.04
  15. Hi. Still nothing in Spain and UK. We have to wait.
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