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tovuori last won the day on January 19 2016

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  1. OLED55B7V firmware 4.70.10 Anyone have a list of release note /changes for this update
  2. Is this beta or official release.
  3. Is newer WEBOS updates coming to 2014 models 55ec930v???
  4. Hello Dejan. Can post working hyperlink to 5.05.35 update please!!
  5. not using browser. Propably i was using viaplay app at the moment. Several other apps was open in a backroud, netflix, yle areena and youtube. Maybe it was compination of several apps. Maybe too many app open??
  6. 5.00.55 update works pretty well on 930v but "app memory error messages" are back. Little bit pissed of because I thought that LG get rid of that in near past, but now it appeas again. It should not be that hard to get sofware to work propery on year 2016. Recent FWs was not affected memeory issues.
  7. official 5.00.55 upgrade ota to my 930v oled. Location Finland.
  8. I got tired of LG appstore and few apps there so I bought a new apple tv and it work great with simplink. LG WEBOS and appstore is a joke. Great potential but lack of instrest from LG to make it great. 55ec930v has great pictire quality but otherwise joke for a TV. Externel box and tv just got new life.
  9. Anyone tested this version yet. Any bugs etc... Any improvements to speed or functionaity
  10. I updated 55ec930v and no speed improvement what so ever. Now if chromecast gets a signal tv does not change input automatically, same with beta version. I was expecting improvement in speed but menu is still very slow. I hope LG still make improvements and publish better optimated firmwate. This is not even close webos 2.0. Not happy. EDIT# Chromecast simplink systems started to work, Factiry reset took simplink option off By default. So no problems whatsoever, but still slow UI.
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