I found out today that vTuner and LG have no more support in the U.S. for their blue-ray players or smart TVs. I had the horizontal problem talked to two different techs. They had me send both units, bought within weeks of each other having the exact same problem. The horizontal line and no vTuner. Everything else worked just fine on both machines. They had me send in the machines waited a month and finally got one back, repaired with a part. Well, it didn't need a part (the other one is still there waiting for a part). They had it down for failure to 'scan' even though there was no scan problem before or after on either. So I don't know what they were trying to fix because I told them specifically about two machines, identical with the identical vTuner problem. Parts? for what. Well they replaced a part and guess what I still have no vTuner. I called them and talked to them they went away a few times and finally came back and said the vTuner was no longer supported in the United States by LG. So what did they fix with the parts. Why did they try to hide the fact that vTuner didn't work when that was what was on the repair orders, both of them. So no vTuner and that's exactly why I bought the two 550's for, only for the vTuner. I went thru the same thing with Sony. Two Sony AV receivers at 399 a piece, 2 Sony blu-ray players 100 a piece and now 2 LG blu-ray players 90 a piece. Tha't is alot of money for paperweights. At least the Sony receiver is ok as far as AV goes, they replaced vTuner with I love tunes or something which I hate and LG has Pandora but they both stink compared to vTuner. I can get the vTuner webstation and search for stations manually then pipe it to my receiver via bluetooth but that's a hassle and cumbersome and you end up with no favorites. With vTuner I had probably 100 or more favorites. German, french, new age, country etc.
Well I refuse, and told them so, to ever buy another Sony product or another LG product. They should have offered my money back at the least. My LG combination VHS/DVD recorder also doesn't burn DVD video anymore. I don't trust their product reliability anymore and am looking for a replacement for my LG Volt cell phone. Bad service will not get me to buy their product again.