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  1. Hoping it comes soon too..AMC Theatres will bring the cinema on our home screen as the market leader...LG will play a big role in future TV! Thanks LG and AMC!
  2. Alex, this is my dream and my long term wish of my website www.buyyourpalm.de ... Greetings to all in this community! and a good market entrance for the Palm Products! (Vodafone/Unitymedia)
  3. Hello Palm Fans,

    a great year is over and the new has just begun...after the relaunch of my website www.buyyourpalm.de (in work at he moment i want to cooperate with the new beginning of www.palm.com  a super team,who has made a new start in a new area with the legendary Palm!

    Greetings to all members here an a Happy New Year 2019!


  4. Hello to all Users! Greetings from Germany and all time nice days with LG TV! Greetings to founder Alex!
  5. Hello to all, iam very proud to see how much posts to all kind of WEB OS informations are running...Much greetings to all users,who make this possible and a great Holiday Season! See you in this LGWEBOS...
  6. Hello WEB OS Fan´s ! Long time i was not here,but im still amazed about Web OS during the Holiday Season! I wish all fans a Happy New Year 2017 and LG with the great Site http://www.lgsmartplustv.com/ great success! They made a good job and all Users in this whole forum had made it possible for WEB OS and LG to grow in the world market! Greetings to all ! (incl.Alex and Mike best wishes) From time to time i come to this great LGWEBOS Forum and see what a great community is here! Make the best with Web OS...See you in many weeks here,ok?
  7. Great gifts for the XMAS Shopping from LG this year! Have a good time WEB OS Fans! See you soon and much greetings...
  8. Hello,the success continues... Winner in many tests! http://www.lg.com/de/oled-tv/erleben/index.html#testergebnisse
  9. That is normal and many OS developers do that.The time is on our side with the webos... Much greetings and make the best with this amazing OS!
  10. That doesn`t matter.The important thing is that WebOS is better than all other OS...The Rest is a question of time.. Apple for example will never get the worlds best OS for TV´s because LG has it already.An thats one of the greatest Problems the other Players in the Market have in future! And now the market with the watches: Great WEBOS!
  11. Yes,that is an interesting feature! Web OS will be the future in a lot of TV and mobiles and more... Greetings from Germany!
  12. LG will be a great Company,who challenges the future in the mobile market with the Great WEB OS !! Greetings to all in this super LGWEBOS-Blog! More and more trust WEB OS...I hope Apple is in many years only a niche player!
  13. Well done LG ! LG has the great chance to dominate the whole Internet TV Market..Apple and the other competitors have not got the right operating system for their TV´s.. I often said in the Past: WEB OS is the best OS for the whole mobile and TV market! Greetings to Alex and to all Web OS and LG Fans!
  14. Hello.and thanks for the start of a new WEB OS Story for the future..I think since many years that WEB OS is the best and the quickest OS in the world! LG, please make the best to provide Web OS as a future system... Greetings to all in the LG Web OS Website!
  15. It is great to have LG and the bright future of the genial WEB OS. Web OS comes to the right time to make Apple not so great...(Smile) The TV Market can dominated by LG with its great WEB OS! Post here more news in the near future... I invite you to make LG to the No. 1 of future TV Entertaining! Greetings to all in this Topic(s)!
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