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  1. From my personal experience with Bluetooth devices in general: it may be a matter of Pairing, not to be confused with Connecting. In a metaphor that has just come to me: being Connected is being together, being Paired is wearing the other's wedding ring. (Note that Bluetooth has a master/slave-architecture. Headphones can be a slave to one master only.) Me, I have quite some Bluetooth audio devices, due to the problem that you describe. If possible, I keep headphones Paired with master devices, whether Connected or not. If I know that I may Connect these headphones to other masters, I Unpair them before Disconnecting. Unpairing may be a matter of pressing the Bluetooth button on the slave device for a "long" time. That's my trial and error. Hope This Helps...
  2. You wouldn't have accudentally muted the TV speakers, or set them to an inaudibly low level, would you? - Shit happens. ;-)
  3. Your access point may have reached the maximum of devices connected. (Mine can have 16, newer ones 32, older ones maybe just 8.) If your access point offers another network (like 2.4GHz and 5GHz, or an additional Guest network), try connecting to that. (At least for verifying that your TV isn't defect.) In other words: this may well be a wifi network matter rather than a TV matter.
  4. 1) I don't know. You might try, then be able to tell us. :-) 2) Why take the detour via the TV? Your camcorder may well have a USB port. - Yes, there are versions of USB and types of connectors. - Me, I think that I would try to use microSD cards and a multi-connector card reader. (Much more versatible than USB sticks.)
  5. I don't think that our wish (yours and mine) is as realistic as we think. A television or a monitor is set to one input. Once, you had these "radio buttons" that live on in computer speak: always exactly one button down. If there is no signal on that input, then there is whatever noise.
  6. I'm not familiar enough with the features of webOS devices of even my older LG television to have a Plan A answer. I seem to remember that my old Nexus 5 smartphone (by Google, but made by LG) could directly cast to my LG smart tv (requiring no other hardware). Plan B answer: receive the streams on another device (like a smartphone) and cast these to your screen using a Googlecast or similar device. I recently replaced my older Apple TV and Chromecast devices with Mi Box S devices (by Xiaomi). These suit me, but they have a limited framerate at 4k. Or the HDMI version may be a bottleneck. From memory: 30 fps.
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