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Everything posted by skyone

  1. that's not a wifi or ethernet problem!!! it is something about the commercials from youtube that doesnt' start at beginning of the videos, stopping the app. It happens mostly with new videos. I noticed youtube app was updated 2 times in december, with the first update the problem was fixed. The last updated the problem come back
  2. Since some months youtube has stopped working properly, it stops playing videos after some clips and became unresponsive showing blanked videos windows. I have the latest tv firmware: 4.06.25 and latest youtube version app available for webos 2.0: v.1.1.26 12/01/2022 I tried everything: Resetting youtube Changing language and country Resetting tv Resetting tv by unpluging power for some minutes Uninstall and reinstall youtube Connecting to internet wifi from phone hotspot instead of house wifi I sent many feedbacks throught youtube app but still no fix until today..
  3. i see there is a new firmware in the korean site for LG UF850 it's 4.05.05 version 등록일 2016-09-21 2015년 LG 울트라 HD TV 최종 S/W공유드립니다. 1.적용모델 - 43/49UF6900 - 40/43/49/55/60/65UF7700 - 70/79UF7780 - 49/55/60/65UF8500 - 49/55/60/65UF8570 - 55/65UF8600 - 55/65EG9600 - 55/65UG8700 2.최종 Ver - 04.05.05 3.변경 ⓐ lg로고멈춤 ⓑ HDMI UHD(2160)화면 깜박임 개선 ⓒ T-Con F/W USB 업데이트 SW 대응 ⓓ OLED 화면 깨짐 이슈 개선 ⓔ USB포트 표시 잘못 되는 문제 대응 ⓕ SW버그 수정 ⓖ 특정 월말 익일에 걸친 프로그램 예약녹화 등록 안되는 문제 개선 대응(04.00.02) ⓗ 매직 리모콘 페어링 해제 되는 Issue 개선 대응(04.00.10) ⓘ 특정 채널 전환 시 AV Sync 틀어짐(04.00.15/20) ⓙ 블루투스 버그 수정 ⓚ 영상 관련 버그 수정2 ⓛ 음성 관련 버그 수정
  4. 49UF850 today new update from LG: version
  5. 49UF850 (manufactured in November) v.
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