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juancarlosadex last won the day on April 28 2017

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  1. lets go viral on this guys, then the lg guys wil do anything to support our claim.. let make a destructomercial on LGTV or better a youtube video with this bugs mocking the efficiency of our TVS any blogger with the skills? any other ideas?
  2. Hi tom, from what country/origin do you installed the hbo go app? its uneasy to me to find this app, i tried changin the country zone to find one,with no avail, maybe if you share your location i will test the app too to find some answers, ihave an LG uf8500 4k tv regards, John
  3. same thing happening here with strong signal probably the youtube app has a bug!! need newer version hopefully catn have this
  4. The browser sucks no need streaming to know that Bring us Firefox you lazy geeks or at Least HTML5 browser
  5. wheres the flash player! or at least a new browser app like Firefox Chrome or Opera for WebOS TOO SLOW LG GUYS!! TOO SLOW WHAT R U WAITING 4? a global complaint on a big profile hardware review site?
  6. Have an LG55uf8500 in southamerica (Peru) and still dont have HBOGO but changing location on the tv to Poland and Croatia i managed to install the apps from the Premium Apps and the only way to use them on my original location is using another DNS code in my network options, hope soon enough an app for south america arrives but the only new app this days is GooglePlay... like Bart simpsons says BOOOOORINNGGG...! wheres the LG webos support platform to make Complaints
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