I really love the tv and webos is great so far but I have just a few questions about getting everything set up. First of all I have a HD comcast set top box which I use to get the HD channels and on Demand content from comcast. The setup for the TV instructs that I connect the coax from the wall directly to the TV, doin this I dont get any channels except for the generic call comcast to get your startup kit commercial. Everything works fine using the HDMI from the cable box to the tv, except I have to change to the HDMI input to watch regular cable tv and I dont get access to the my channels or guide on the webos. Is there any work around for this or am I just going to have to deal with switching to the HDMI input to watch live tv and comcast on demand? Also, is there any way to connect a bluetooth keyboard (through the USB port)? and I have a samsung soundbar, this may be a long shot but it would be nice if it can be set up with the lg remote, otherwise I guess I am going to be buying a harmony. Thanks for the help!