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richie007bond last won the day on April 1 2019

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About richie007bond

  • Birthday 03/01/1972

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  1. I certainly will Alex, hoping to hear some news soon. Cheers
  2. HI Alex I know it's great news, I've just fired of some questions my self to LG asking about webOS and the current range of 2013 TV'S, hopefully all 2013 duel core processors tv's should receive the webOS update after all it makes sense if LG want to keep their customers coming back and buying more of their range. I'll be picking up a 4k tv at the end of the year so if they want my returning business they hopefully won't leave their existing customers out of any future software updates.
  3. Thanks nicnl, this is fantastic news I can't wait to try the new WebOS interface. Am in the UK so hopefully I won't have to wait to long.. Cheers
  4. Any word if LG will update their 2013 range to webos, my la690v is screaming out for webos, gets me mad my tv seems obsolete less than a year after I bought it, give your customers the choice to upgrade, hell I wouldn't mind paying a fee for the update to webos but something tells me my shiny fairly new tv stuck in limbo.
  5. I have the excellent LGla690v, bought it at the end of 2013, surely LG will update their high end TV'S OF 2013 TO webos after all its less than a year old and I presume it would be more than capable. There's no way am buying a new tv just for a software update which should be upgradable, it's one of the reasons why people get upset over their shiny new TV'S, come on LG don't leave out your customers who's tv is less than a year old, it's just ridiculous give people value for money and services and updates with capable tvs.
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