Not a simple solution, but not too hard:
I bought an inexpensive optical-analog converter #with headphone jack#! (TOSLInk-analog)
Then, an inexpensive Bluetooth transmitter, to connect to the headphone jack, or 'RCA' connectors.
The TOSLink optical output does not seem to be controlled from the TV volume control, which is probably ideal for you, since you can control volume with the headphone output control from the converter, and the volume control on your headphones
I think it would cost about $30, and is then useful for any TV, or device that needs a Bluetooth transmitter-
I found this one on ...
Not sure how reliable the suppliers are... I ordered a similar one a while ago, and it never arrived, but, here's a staring point, and supports 2 headphones at once.
Here's a "single box solution"
hope this is some kind of help... the LG TV that I have sucks for Bluetooth, or audio output, generally... sigh...