If you asked me this 2-3yr ago I would say yes I like it. But know, I do not like it at all - as I had different expectations when I was buying it. The the reviews said that 2015 models have much faster procesors and superior screens. And what I've seen is slow menus and channel switching, as well as some stupid bugs / issues. Not to speak about completly bad customer support (site is just...), bad built quality (I've noticed that the panel is moving when applying minimal pressure to clean the dust), missing app support and strange firmware update cycles. I wouldn't buy it again...
I did not know that "ZA" stands for South Africa. I live in Montenegro - in West Balkans, so its quite strange to me. Maybe the TV fell of the truck and right into the retailers store it isn't unlikely in my country
Only way that I know to switch the model is to return it. In my country it is not possible to return something you purchased unless it is malfunctioning. Maybe it could be forc flashed with some other firmware - but it's a gamble I am not prepare to take
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