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andreluigo last won the day on December 19 2015

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  1. The most stranger thing that i realized is that when TV is turned off, the PC/Notebook recognize it and show on Windows Settings and Devices Manager... At the exactly moment that TV is turned on it desapear from PC/Note...
  2. Can't be possible that only two people around the world is getting this issue and nobody have an explanation or found a solution! Help us, guys, please!
  3. I used to extend my screen from PC/Notebook to my TV but i stayed a long period without do it. It happens that since a few days ago i am needing it and for my surprise is not working anymore. Tried other cables, updated the drivers and O.S. but nothing worked. So i decided test at the room's TV (LG as well) and worked perfetcly. I looked for all internet and youtube for similar issues and a solution but couldn't find it, until i receive my weekly mail from this forum and remembered it. I am suspicious that was one of the several updates since i extended for the last time that made this! So, does anybody could help me, please? Thanks in advance!
  4. I not even will waste my time and patience answering how you deserve. Stop talking shits and try to be more polite if you "don't know what the hell" other people are talking about. If you don't know something and yet still wants to show yourself as a big wise, just makes you the biggest dumb.
  5. It could run from an USB drive just like Plex alternative did before official release. Enviado de meu SM-G950F usando o Tapatalk
  6. Would be nice if was a native app. As a client isn't interesting due already exists Plex and SmartShare on WebOS. Congrats for your initiative, anyaway!
  7. Buy a new one! LG not update TVs between diferent versions...
  8. Al least here my WebOS TV isn't shown as option to stream!
  9. It is incredible how nonsense is your answers! 😂😂
  10. If you don't know you can't say that exists and it is obvious that if it isn't shown for anyone means that its not available in the respective country!
  11. You forgot to say wich country!
  12. My 47LB6500 updated yesterday to 05.05.25 from 05.05.01 Enviado de meu SM-G935FD usando Tapatalk
  13. Some time ago, i just had to change dvb for atsc on the link to download brazilian version, but since two or three updates ago it is not working anymore... What happened?
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