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Cristina Ilasciuc

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Cristina Ilasciuc last won the day on February 29 2016

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  1. Where could I find ALL the previous firmware versions for 47LB730V (-ZD) ? it is so f slow... I invoke the menu and have to wait so many seconds...that in the end the subconscious reflex is to invoke it again by pressing the menu button...and this makes the menu dissapear in a split second after waiting for it so much to show...and then again pressing the menu button ...and this time shows a bit quicker finally !!! this is because has OS a bad OS optimization ...and a slow CPU and very poor amount of memory! But I remember this was not so with the first OS versions ...so I NEED AL THE PREVIOUS FIRMWARE VERSIONS TO TRY THEM ALL ! I know how to revert to older firmware, just need the firms! Thankyou!
  2. People! I do not understand your hunger for updating the Webos versions, "will we have webos 2.0 ?" , "how well it works webos 3.0?" and so on... Let me tell you something: Webos 999.0 will never surpass at least Android 2.3 ! I have 47''LB730V from more than a year...time enough to play with it...installing , upgrading, downgrading...iptv... after I bought android tv box: Tronsmart Orion R68 Meta with 2GB of RAM and 16GB of ROM, eight core processor... with Lollipop android...it was a huge change in my tv experience...I really do not understand why did I pay those hundreds of euros more for a TV with SMART functions while the android tv box costs 77 euros ?! Android it is a universal platform...with universal support, feedback, apps...there is a big change in net speed, I can watch full HD channels from various app such as torrent stream controller or kodi, showbox... I have flash support, sopcast, latest html, wifi dual, ethernet that recognizes my 300 MBps speed...what can I say? The difference betwenn a Lg TV with smart and an LG tv without it is many, many times the cost of an android tv box... and will never ever forever equals it ! If I would buy a second LG tv will search for a non smart one...and attach it a android terminal! bie!
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