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mixi last won the day on November 1 2014

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  1. Does enyone know what's new in 4.45.04 versoin? We are all glead that we get it, but we still don't know what changed on it. And of course, from LG we never get any kind of information. BR.
  2. Can you make tutorial, or just basic steps how to make it. Where to download webOS 2.0 firmware, how to setup appach, and how to set TV to find update on that server? Thanks.
  3. This version is publicated in january, and when you download it, you will see date on the end of file name, the date is 20141224. That means this file is from december. I don't know why they putted release date 05.02.2015, in Serbia is the same.
  4. What's new in 4.33 compared to 4.30?
  5. Hello, chupo_cro. Update your TV firmware and Code Page will be saved, and every next playing it will be like last time. Best regards, Milan
  6. Now updated to 4.30.16 over Internet. Region / Serbia model / 42LB730v
  7. Just updated to 4.30.09 over Internet, not over USB, it has to be official. Region / Serbia model / 42LB730v
  8. Yes, but they should know that we are not developers. It is OK if I register like developer, and upgrade my hardware to beta releases, than I can not complain on bugs, but if I bougt TV, stupid TV with million options less than any other hw ( computer, tablet, phone etc ), and they put beta sw on it, and can not make basic options to work, that is insolence. I just can not imagine one working day of Web OS for LG TV developer, how it looks like. What are they doing if they can not fix stupid bugs like this. BR.
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