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  1. The best way to screen share from a windows 10 PC is to connect a Roku device (Model 2 or higher) to your LG HDTV via and HDMI cable. Then on you PC click on the "Notifications" icon ( lower right corner). The click on "Connect". After a few seconds you should see the Roku device listed. Click on that. Makem sure you are in the 'Duplicate' mode, not 'Extend". On your LG HDTV make sure you have selected the HDMI input that is used by your Roku device. You should now see and hear everything on the LG HDTV.
  2. Screen share using WebOS 2 from a Windows 10 computer does not work - it will never wok. Do not waist your time. If you need to 'share' your computer screen on the LG TV, hook your computer up to it directly and use the LG TV as a monitor.
  3. Has anyone been able to run Screen Share from a Windows 10 PC? Mine will not connect to the LG TV.
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