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Everything posted by ciponne

  1. And Plex pass is with subscription, 4.99 euro/month.
  2. On which countrys is Playz available?
  3. Gabriel, my setup is a 42LB630V TV set and a NSA310 NAS which runs Plex server and Twonky media server. If I browse for video (movies) from Smart Share app (from TV) the subtitles are not loaded. Instead I'm using Bubble UNPN on my smartphone: I'm browsing for files and send the video playback to LG TV. On this manner the subtitles are loaded. As an observation, this happens only for external subs.
  4. Well, I can't setup the broadcast country on Brazil, my TV set is designed for EU. But I set it up for UK and found the Plex app. But, since I'm not a Plex pass subscriber, it doesn't help me.
  5. Thx! What country did you setup on menu? Maybe there are differences between countrys.
  6. Hi all! I can't find the app on store. How can I purchase it? Thx!
  7. 42LB630V-ZA with firmware version 04.41.32. The soundbar is NB3540.
  8. I have the same issue. Tehnical support said it might be a wireless interferance with my router.
  9. Update : right after the prevoius post, I've installed on my Nexus 4 an app named BUBBLEUPNP. Using this I was able to play mkv files with subs on my LG tv, from all previous servers, except plex.
  10. I gave up! I've tried two more DLNA servers : twonky and rygel. The result is the same : no external subtitle enabled. On my Nexus 4 I can render mkv files with subs with no issue, using twonky, plex and rygel. Maybe this TV model can't handle external subs using DLNA.
  11. Thx for the tip! I'll try this.
  12. @beredim: I'm using the latest version of Plex media server with DLNA on a ZyXEL NSA 310. I had no issue before with a XBMC installed on Raspberry Pi.
  13. Este undeva vreun changelog?
  14. The issue with subs occurs when I stream from local network, not from a hdd connected directly on TV.
  15. For now I've just updated to 03.23.24. It doesn't show me any available updates. What is new on 4.0013?
  16. I currently run a plex media server on my ZyXEL NSA 310. Previously I have used an RasPlex installed on a Raspberry Pi, but it was to slow.
  17. Agree with you. Tried sub file, srt file, doesn't work.
  18. Hi all! I have a LG 42LB630V, with the latest firmware installed. I want to know if it is possible to change the audio language, for a mkv file that has more than an audio language and how to add external subtitles. Those embeded in mkv files are running ok. Thank you, Cipria
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