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  1. Older: "After a few days of testing, I come to the conclusion that Plex App for webOS was to blame. When I had it installed, well, you can read the previous comment of what it did. Now it's been 4 days since I uninstalled it and the bug didn't occured. That is why I came to this conclusion. I already bought XPlay, so I have no problem with Plex app being uninstalled." I thought that Plex app was to blame the Program jumping from one number to another, but today it happened again. I don't know what the problem is exactly, but as I said in the 5th july post, this needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Do someone from LG reads these posts? I am curious, cause I have my LG TV for almost 2 months, and discovered this forum since the first week with it. Hope LG have some people that read this, in order to know how to fix some of the problems their TVs have.
  2. I just found a problem regarding this firmware. If I have, let's say National Geographic on program number 17, sometimes when I open the tv, the program changes to a random number (today it jumped to 34, but at 34 I already had another program installed). And now I have program #17 free (no channel installed) and on position 34 I have two programs. This needs an immediate fix, cause it's one very annoying bug. I already reordered the programs 3 times, and this thing keeps happening. Can anyone confirm this?
  3. Hello Muhammad. You can't find this model on UK supported list, because it is a model specific to India, Egypt and a few other countries. I checked on the Egypt version of the website and the latest version is 4.00.30 from 21-October-2015. So it is not updated yet for this model.
  4. I confirm that Plex official app appeared with this new update on the LGStore. I can't get Plex to play trailers before movies. I have to say, that I still prefer XPlay.
  5. No idea whatsoever. It still appears on website so you could try install it from USB stick. It's very easy. Just follow my tutorial above.
  6. How are you trying to play the movie? From USB stick, through SmartShare app, or other apps/media servers(WMP server, Plex, etc)?
  7. So, in order to answer all your questions, I have to say that I am not a 100% experienced person regarding webOS, but from what I know(reading webOS forums, searching the web and studying LG's website) there is no such thing as a custom webOS for LG TV's(but I also might be wrong). Please take in regard that your TV is a discontinued one, so this means, it will not get any further updates. 1. The latest updated firmware for your TV is version 5.00.55 released on January 25th 2016. You can check your webOS version in the Advanced Settings-> About this TV 2. No customization regarding GUI(except for ordering apps) - we are a long way from customizing on webOS. 3. I think you found them yourself. No quick web browsing. But if you have a magic remote, that's the quickest you can get with browsing . 4. You can, if you have AN-MR600(the type with 0-9 physical buttons on it) and if this model of remote is supported by your TV.
  8. What model is that exactly? 55LB6300, 55LF6300 or what?
  9. Hi everyone, I made in this post a little firmware update tutorial. However if you don't have the knowledge to do this, ask for someone's help. I am not, in any way, responsible for any bricked devices. So now, let's see the good news. I just updated manually the firmware, cause OTA it was not available(although it apears on my country's website, but probably wasn't published on the update servers) and the first thing I've noticed is that the startup is even faster now. On previous version (4.01.00) upon turning on the TV and wanting to change the channel would take from 6-7 second up to 11-12. With 4.05.01, I can change the channel in 2-3 seconds. Also, the animations when moving through the menus seem to be a lot faster. Regarding if this is a lite version of webOS 3.0(e.g.: new menu icons, multiple user profiles, magic zoom, ), I think it is not, since I haven't noticed any new features compared to the old 4.01.00 version. I think this firmware brings only performance improvements. But we are on the right path. So if anyone was wondering, in order to update the firmware from the USB memory stick, you need to follow next steps: 1. Connect USB Stick to PC or MAC and create a folder called "LG_DTV" on this USB stick 2. Download the update firmware from this link http://www.lg.com/uk/support/software-firmware. Insert your TV model and hit Search button. Download the latest version updated on the latest date(4.05.01 was published on 13.06.2016) and extract it on your desktop/download location. Now you will have a .epk file extension called "starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-1.biscayne.m14tv-145-04.05.01-prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED". 3. Inside the LG_DTV folder copy the extracted file with .epk extension called "starfish-dvb-secured-m14tv-1.biscayne.m14tv-145-04.05.01-prodkey_usb_V3_SECURED" and then, safely remove the USB Stick from PC. 4. Connect the USB Stick to one of the TV's USB ports in the back and now SmartShare app will appear and also a notification to install the new Firmware. 5. Close the SmartShare app, and go to Install option. Now you have to wait...Read step 6 6. When the TV will have copied the Firmware from the USB stick, a message will appear on the upper right corner which will say that the new firmware will be installed upon rebooting the TV. 7. Shutdown the TV and hit the ON/OFF button on the remote again to turn it on, wait for the new firmware to be installed and configured. All your programs will remain in the order they were saved(so no need to configure again the channels) and also all the apps will be installed(no need to reinstall them). That's it. Enjoy your new faster TV.
  10. Hi everyone, Has any of you updated OTA or manually to the latest webOS 2.0 firmware? It was released on June 13th in Europe and it is ver. 4.05.01! Any new features or performance improvements?
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