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muiz last won the day on October 25 2015

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  1. Dejan Fehirov, on 14 Jan 2016 - 3:29 PM, said: Who wish to try something interesting, do as following: 1. Install "Accuweather" from market 2. Change dns to 3. Start "Accuweather" 4. Source: http://forkplayer.tv/ Useless. It installs fork player but is all russian. And its very buggy. Waste of time.
  2. FIXED ! Turned of windows firewall and it works. And yes i clicked on allow when it popped up But still i had to disable it. (Windows 10)
  3. Exactly the same here as with mtuna10
  4. I give up. Doesnt work for me i guess.
  5. After that nothing happens. TV says "No update found" and in_dump file stays empty.
  6. Running 05.10.02 on a LB670V-ZA 1.4.0-2502(Afro-Ashley) And i want to downgrade to 05.00.20 or 25 I tried the russian way first but no go. Tried few things from other sites but still no go. Tried the one from here... and no go. But nr 11 does not work it ends there(11. Accept downgrade to the first firmware TV) It always says no update found.
  7. LB670V with 05.10.02 how do i update to 05.00.20 ?
  8. but still cant find this version... stoney05?
  9. I know.
  10. There is no usa in my list.
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