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  1. You couldn't make it up. They push the Magic Remote in all their advertising for their TVs and yet you cannot actually buy one. Here is the unbelievable email I received from LG. Hi there Nigel Thank you for your email. In regards to this, unfortunately as it stands at the moment, the AN-MR650 is not available in the UK to purchase seperately. We are still awaiting for a stockist to get these in, in order to be able to purchase them. Unfortunately, I do not have any information on when these will be available. I apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Should you need any more assistance, you can reply to this email by clicking the additional questions link at the bottom of this email. Thank you in advance. Kind regards Ben LG Electronics UK Help desk ----------------------------------
  2. There is a now a new update to 1.1.15 this has fixed it. All OK now [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Deregistering the TV just means going into my Amazon account and going to Prime and clicking deregister. I was pretty sure that was complete bo$$&cks but did it anyway. As I guessed it did sod all. I relayed this information back and got another reply to go to settings and clear the cache. There is no such thing on my TV. So I replied back. They then sent back a list of generic, mostly pointless questions. I answered these and I asked if they realised, even though I told them several times, that my device was a TV. I also suggested that they escalate this as I am pretty sure someone at Amazon knows about this problem. They replied that they were currently aware of the issue ( Mine or generally as a whole ? Who knows. ) and are waiting for further information.. They have forwarded my emails to their technical team. I am promised an update on the situation within 3 business days. I will keep you posted.
  4. It supports the Magic Remote. You can get them from the US LG store.
  5. I got a generic reply from Amazon telling me deregister my TV. I did this but the app still crashes back to the TV. I have replied back to them with this information.
  6. Hi Rob A normal remote came with the TV but not the Magic Remote. Yes my TV supports the Magic Remote. Its a 2016 model UH365.
  7. Hi All This is pretty unbelievable. In the adverts for my TV it kept going on about how good the Smart Remote was. One of the reasons I bought the TV was for the Smart Remote. I was disappointed to find that it was not included in the box but thought, no problem, I will buy one from LG UK or Amazon UK. WRONG. This item is not available on the UK LG site. WTF. No sign of it on Amazon UK either. I emailed LG only to be ignored. This is my first LG TV and possibly the last due to their rubbish customer support and lack of advertised accessories. Has anyone managed to get a 2016 Smart Remote in the UK ? Thanks.
  8. sw1066 you are probably correct. As a last resort I did a factory reset on my TV ( pain in the *&$e ) and then updated the Amazon app again and it still didn't work. I have contacted Amazon via email and am now waiting for a reply. The only trouble is you don't seem to be able to run an app that needs updating, you are forced to update, so I cannot use the older version.
  9. I have an UH635V software version 03.20.05. I launched Amazon Video and it said it needed an update. I agreed and it then took ages to download the update. The installation then failed. I tried again and it installed but when I try to launch it I am returned back to the TV and not Amazon. I deleted the app and reinstalled it but it still will not work. It worked Ok before this update. My internet is fine and I have a wired connection to the TV. Anyone got a clue as to what has broken ? Regards.
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