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deadringer28 last won the day on July 18 2016

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  1. There is information about my TV being updated to include HDR here. http://www.avsforum.com/forum/166-lcd-flat-panel-displays/2496586-latest-lg-65uf9500-firmware-update-hdr.html And it was also discussed here on the LG WebOS forum though I can not find the thread for it right now.
  2. There is no official word from LG at this time if the 2015 models will ever get 3.0, but since my TV 65UF9500 is a flagship, I am holding out hope that it will at least receive some of the features of 3.0. Particularly the app that allows it to stream live TV from the internet. LG did me right by updating this TV to be HDR compatible and i am hopeful there is still more to come.
  3. Thanks. Is there an official URL where they put release notes?
  4. Does anyone know what is new or fixed in this release. Sure wish LG would make this info available to the TV owners.
  5. The best thing to try is to factory reset the TV. It sucks but it fixed a huge issue I was having (unrelated to this) and I am now happy I did it. It will take some time to get your apps and settings back but worth it in my opinion. If you call LG support they will most likely suggest the same thing.
  6. Wow that is weak. What if someone wanted to changed the quality. Is there no way to do that like you can on Mobile and Desktop? Sometimes my network is slow and I need to bounce down a notch on the quality. Or does this app auto adjust based on network sped?
  7. I hate to say it, and i might even be wrong, but it seems you might have to do a factory reset. have you tried contacting LG support. They were fabulous when I called.
  8. I bought this TV for it's picture. You can add smarts to it for as little as $30 through Chromecast and you can go all the way up into the hundreds through Android and Aple TV. LG does not have a lot of apps but the interface is clean, voice search is good, integration with DIRECTV is good, and even if the Smarts completely stopped working on it the TV would still be top notch. At least mine is. All of these platforms have their shortcomings. I own just about all of them. There is no one solution a combination of about three will get most people right where they need to be.
  9. http://www.multichannel.com/news/content/lg-tunes-channel-plus/407083 Doesn't seem right to me that my TV from 2015, which is a flagship, TV will not get this update.
  10. In fact, I am not sure which TV supports Flash on a browser? Android TV doesn't. I doubt Apple TV does. Anyone know about Samsung?
  11. Just noticed that there is a new FW Version for my 65UF9500 today. This version is 04.05.10. I wanted to put this here in case anyone updates and wants to report back. Last time I updated the first day I saw it and it put some of my devices in a world of hurt. Eventually leading to factory reset of the TV I am being more cautious this time and waiting a few weeks.
  12. Since LG has a good partnership with Google it would be great to see a desktop version of Chrome for these TVs
  13. LG Smart World has the following new apps to introduce for the second week of July: ikono TV NetTV Plus Vizbee It's Supernatural! Network Pandora ATN A total of 6 Apps https://us.lgappstv.com/appspc/support/support/retrieveNoticeInfo.lge Also as I am sure many of you already know Plex was finally released on July 4th
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