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ajmboy last won the day on November 28 2019

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  1. Does anyone know anything about Zeus network and streaming on lgwebos tvs? It seems that mayweather has an exhibition fight on this network. Never heard of it. https://www.thezeusnetwork.com/
  2. Is there a website that lists all the available firmware versions by country? 65UQ7570PUJ.AUSQ US 03.21.05
  3. I would return/exchange if its only been 10 days.
  4. Is that through the set speakers or bluetooth speakers? I read online that hissing can come from wifi interference.
  5. Please post the issues you are mostly having with LG webos TVs. What issues happens the most for you? Examples: TV not connecting to Wi-Fi LG TV Screen Problems LG TV Not Responding To Remote LG TV No Sound. Inconsistent colors HDMI Not Working Horizontal or vertical bars appearing on the screen Sound with no picture False countering or posterization Not showing up on airplay Here are some of the most replied to topics on this site:
  6. Interesting. Maybe the jukebox has a wifi signal or other causing interference.
  7. LOL...is that because the remote has an audio sensor? Or is that jukebox a bluetooth device?
  8. They should really do what samsung does with tizen on phones, at least try it out!
  9. How is the little palm phone doing? Did it catch on?
  10. It seems that LG tvs don't always get apps developed for them..
  11. Still no HBO Max on lg webos tvs.
  12. So LG has put webOS on TVs, projectors, and now cars with webos auto. Does anyone thing LG will ever produce a webos powered smartphone or tablet? I know samsung has tried with tizen and it was only with the palm pre 2 and touchpad from HP that we saw webos on these types of devices. Just curious on what everyone thingks. Here's what webos used to look like.. HP Touchpad
  13. I just finished watching Game of Thrones on HBO, never watched it when it was out. Now I'm wondering what other series should I start watching? Westworld? I'm inclined to check out SEE on Apple TV. is anyone using Apple TV with LG webOS tvs?
  14. can you view through a browser url?
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