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Everything posted by ajmboy

  1. I have 4 palm touchstone charger docks, 2 in my house, one in the office, and one in my car. I bought my wife a plam pixi pink touchstone back cover. I have a palm pixi plus black cover for my touchstone. Works very well, and one of teh things I always liked. I set it down various times during the course of the day and when driving it sits on it in my car. The battery is always charged. I use the hell out of my phone for work, so the battery can drain pretty quickly. I also check email all teh time and have it hooked to 6 email accounts with instant push for emails on. All pop accounts and one exchange account. Plus browsing online, the touchstone charging docks have been a huge help in keeping my battery up daily.
  2. I am still waiting for my Palm Pre 2, I ordered it on the 24th from teh HP small business site and thought for sure they would cancel it. I got off the phone with them and they said 2 - 3 weeks and they were still going to honor my purchase! My ship date says 9/16 now. I hope I get it.
  3. Just joined up...
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