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Everything posted by MarcusS

  1. Jesus, really? Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  2. Any one? Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  3. Ok, i am new to web os 2.0 nad i have some questions. Before this, i had lg 47LM620s. I must say, user interface was much prettier, this black thing on my new model is kinda... Dont know, worse and uglier. But functionability is questionable, too. 1. On my previous model you could very easily get channel list, scroli pages on it using program + and - buttons, and olso, toogle between favourites. Now i have this, and i dont like it. First, soooo few spaces for channel name, and all bunch of space for information and i dont have NON for any of channels. Second, how can i toogle favourites list? Dont see it here? 2. On my previous tv, i liked the fact that with programe up and prograge down butons i could scroll pages in ANY many - now, not the case. i need to put cursor on scrol down buton and scrol pages like that. Anoying. Not so, but previous way was much better. On remote controler, besides button it says page and arows up and down, but it dont work.
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