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Faisal Aljundi

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Faisal Aljundi last won the day on September 28 2023

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  1. Can anyone help me where I can find official LG webos support? Local LG guys know zero about webos - they know only "it is simple" :)
  2. I found it in one of the 10s PDFs I went through in the internet
  3. FW: 03.23.13 webos: 1.2.0-5713 United Arab emirates 49UB850T-TA
  4. It works! i did factor reset and everything works - note: memory size = 4.2GB
  5. what is the memory size for this TV? do you know?
  6. we need Health related apps like weight, heart, steps and sleep
  7. we need Better Facebook, Twitter and add Linkedin apps
  8. model: 49UB850T I want to install facebook and weather apps (all apps not working i just update the firmware to latest and still facing the issue
  9. I can't install new application from LG Store - i keep getting "Not Enough Storage" message. is this normal? i just got the TV!!!
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