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PreCentral: Bookmark apps in the TouchPad App Catalog

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App BookmarksSo you are browsing the App Catalog on your TouchPad and you come across an app that you think you might be interested in that you don't necessarily want to purchase or download right then, but you also don’t want to forget about it or have to search for it again in the future. Instead of emailing yourself the link or writing down a list of apps to go back to, you can simply bookmark it in the catalog. For any app that is not installed on your device, you will see a Bookmark not set icon next to the price, in either the app detail screen or the scrollable listing of apps. Tapping on that icon will turn it into Bookmark set, indicating that it has now been saved. Want to remove the bookmark, just tap it again.

To quickly access those bookmarked apps in the future, just tap on the "Bookmarks" tab on the bottom the screen. Every time you add or remove a bookmark, the total number of apps will be updated in the tab name

As Colonel Kernel noted in the comments below, you can only save up to 50 bookmarks at once. If you try to save a 51st bookmark, your first one will be removed from the list,

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