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PreCentral: Donate to support WebOS Internals with the 2012 Web-a-thon - just three days left!

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Donate to support WebOS Internals with the 2012 Web-a-thon - just three days lef

This time last year saw one of the greatest moments in homebrew history we've ever witnessed:

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. It was a huge sum, and it went a long way towards helping ensure the homebrew organization could continue to operate without its members needing to shell out for testing devices, server space and bandwidth, and other costs. Sure, it's open source, and while the code may be free, all the work that goes into making it happen and making it available comes at a cost.

There are a handful of groups that can lay a claim to helping sustain webOS to this point. HP's standing in that group is debatable (), but no one can argue that has performed miracles time and time again for the webOS community. There's a reason the community banded together to raise that sixteen thousand dollars last year. While Internals does have cash to continue operations for a while (sixteen grand will do that), they're always looking to . With complex projects like and on the horizon, sustaining WebOS Internals into the future isn't something even the novice webOS user should think twice about. This organization needs and deserves .

Right now has raised just over $4,000, and really that's just not enough. Sure, last year was one hell of a year, with the wound of still incredibly raw, but are we really going to let things stand at so paltry of a sum? One quarter of last year's total really isn't acceptable to us, and it shouldn't be acceptable to you either.

To make a donation, head over to the WebOS Internals site support page to deposit your funds, and then go ahead and with your donation amount. Even if it’s just a dollar or two, every little bit helps!



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