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I just bought a LG730V-ZD TV. Firmware version: 04.30.16 webostv version:1.30.0-3216 I'm from Macedonia

The problem is that i can't use any of the apps on the TV other than the web browser. I cant enter the LG Store app. And i get this network error 4.

This is very frustrating as I bought the TV 2 days ago.

Anybody have solution to the problem?

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I just bought a LG730V-ZD TV. Firmware version: 04.30.16 webostv version:1.30.0-3216 I'm from Macedonia

The problem is that i can't use any of the apps on the TV other than the web browser. I cant enter the LG Store app. And i get this network error 4.

This is very frustrating as I bought the TV 2 days ago.

Anybody have solution to the problem?



You should report this to LG, try calling their support. They will most likely ask you to do a factory reset, and/or contact your local dealer and have the set returned...



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I have bought OLED 4K TV, Model 55EG920V. I was so surprised, when found, that it have no analogue audio output at all! Even for headphones! Please, check it out, I can't believe to my eyes too! How does that is possible? I have an idea to use it with my professional stereo studio monitors, Behringer Truth B2031A, and it looks unavailable to connect it to TV.


Ok, it have an option to connect it over BT, using audio receiver, but BT on this TV wont see any of receivers!!! I have tested it with 5 different BT audio receivers, BT versions from 3.0 to 4.1 with APT-x, and pcm support, or without - LG TV wont seen any of them! But wireless audio option is available on TV's menu, and it turns into scan for BT audio devices, but wont see any of them, which is available for linkage. Old Samsung can see, connect and stream audio to all of them. Do you really think, it is good idea, to have no option for audio connection, or maybe I have to throw away my professional studio audio monitors, and replace it with LG wireless audio bar? Maybe this is your idea? I just have bought top model TV, this model is not a cheap one. But much less expensive models can work with BT receivers and devices like KBS and mouses with no issues.


And now, I coming to a masterpiece. My tv, for less then a week I used it, have lost a BT linkage with MAGIC remote AN-MR600, over 5 times! With no reason. I just coming back to see my TV, and each time found, that connection with remote is lost. I have done a procedure to relink a remote, by pressing home+back for about 5 sec., and then pressing scroll down, to connect it again. After that, I got msg on the screen, "necessary to activate BT service" on TV. And there is no such option on TV's menu, and no BT settings option at all on TV menu. There is no even option to do an OS reboot! By the way, OS restart may help. Anyway, I have no more options to restart OS on TV, since no such option in menu, and due to your "talented" engineers have a fucking "great" idea to mount power cable inside a TV without a socket. And each time I get such "bugs", I'm in front of necessity to move my carpet, and then all my furniture, where TV located, and some more furniture, and remove my audio from it, with a lot of wires, and some more accessories, just to get to the fucking socket, to power off TV.. and since remote disconnects 5 times per week, do I have to do it each day? Is it alright? I have a strong temptation to smash that idiots's head, who have got an idea to mount power cable inside tv, without a socket. It makes me so angry each time, that it will be option number one, when I will choose next TV. Why did you do that crap guys? I'm serious, why?


And now, after I paid for that TV over 3K euro, I have:


Remote AN-MR600 continuously have lost a linkage with TV, without any reason. Or, more probably, TV's BT service lost a linkage with remote. Option to reconnect: - factory reset, I will not do anymore (setup take my time each time, or moving carpet and furniture, to power off TV, it may help. and may not. I will not try it more. Remote doesn't work at the moment for some days, and I don't use that TV.


No option to connect any audio! No analogue audio output on this tv available, even for headphones. No BT devices, such as BT audio , BT mouse, KDD, available to be used with this tv! To my mind, it no need at all to have an obsolete SCART, and optical out, but it MUST be standard analogue audio out, at least for headphones. If you have no, you MUST let the BT audio stream devices to work with this TV! It is strange to have expensive TV, without an option to connect it to audio system.


No option to restart OS in menu. If I'm wrong, please, let me know, how to reboot OS, without cut a power. 


No option to remove TV from its place, without a lot of moves in the room, just to bring it to service, have to spend hours on moving carpet and furniture, since power cable is mounted into tv's body, instead of just unplug it. 


Voice search, comparing to other less expensive tv, working really bad. Horrible. It can't recognize nothing. I just can't use it, even it is set to English. It understand maybe 3%.. comparison to Sony, or Samsung, - all I said understood correctly.


Not enough settings in TVs menu, settings such as BT setup, settings for voice search, restart OS, BT KBD & mouse settings, - there is no such settings at all.


To back my AN-MR600 to life, I have to restore tv to factory settings, each time it lost a linkage, and spend an hours then, to setup and renew all apps, channels, accounts, settings, lang. preferences, connect wifi and pair youtube devices, and so on, which take my time. Do I have to do it with your tv 5 times per week?


All of it, make a lot of disadvantages for me, with this TV, some of them, I hope, you can fix with a firmware. To my mind, I'm 90% sure, it seems to be a software related problems.  But I would like to have a fast solution for remote, and BT audio, mouse and kbd, and for voice search.


And I have to be objective, and say to you a compliment as well, that OLED screen, is really something wonderful. The best screen ever! No one can do it yet. Thanks for that guys, but please, when you build your TV's, using this beautiful screens, sometimes, think about your customers. It would be nice. Still hoping to connect BT audio kbd and mouse to 55EG920V.., and still have no idea what to do with remote, and voice search and power cable..


P.S. One more reason why I write here, is I can't use LG's website, or simply write to support, to describe my problem. Direct email unavailable, only webforms, and this option is unavailable for me on LG.COM website, since I"m redirected each time to local site on latvian Language. What is it? It turns me into Latvian language, which I can not understand! Why? I don't want it. Maybe you LG will leave for user an option, to choose a language, user can understand, or at least, will leave an English option? It seems, like you wouldn't respect you customers, by pushing us to use language unknown to us. And for those, who have spend on your product over 3k euro, and standing infront of troubles, looking for a solution, it is not so nice of you, since you FORCED to speak unknown language, without any options. I would like to inform you, that for about 50% of Latvians, the common language is Russian, please, take that into account. My location, can't push me to speak a language I don't. Why LG wont respect our language preferences? A lot of people speak Russian here. In Europe, there is more Russian speakers, then Latvian, Lithuanian, or Estonian speakers! And this is your customers making a choise every day. It would be nice, if you will respect your customers language too, or at least, will leave us an option, to select English. Leave website on English, if you don't like Russian, but why you pushes me each time to see Latvian, which I can't understand? What is it? Regional settings is not a same as language preferences and settings, isn't it? I still can't use my TV, remote still doesn't works, and looking for support. If I can't get it, I have nothing to do, just return that TV to shop.  Thank you.

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LG 42LF652V-ZA bug report: Youtube and SmartShare applications disappear after using q.menu\main settings menu

Latest region software version: 04.05.01

1) Start playing movie via SmartShare from USB device or start playing Youtube.
2) Open Q.MENU and change something or open main Settings menu and change something
3) Close Q.MENU or main Settings menu
4) SmartShare/Youtube app disappear and Live TV cast start playing

Expected behaviour:
Youtube/SmartShare app not disappear after some change via Q.MENU\main settings menu.
Actual behaviour:
Youtube/SmartShare app disappear and TV live cast start playing.


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I have a 49" UH610V on the latest firmware (04.31.00)

I have a mobile app subscription to BT sport and when I screen share from my phone to the TV it's very jittery, almost as if it's having trouble buffering. It's the same if I screenshare youtube from my phone (or any phone) too.


Also, some Youtube vids viewed through the app in WebOS is jittery too, and they are fine on all other devices.

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Can you help me?! I am from Azerbaijan.I have LG Tv 43LF631V.And in my Tv don't work Lg content store.I didn't enter any apps.I try to reset my tv from the settings menu.But don't change any.I know to enter service menu (EZ adjust) whit a smartphone.But I don't know codes( area, country, tools)in the service menu.If you know codes, send me, please

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 I have model OLED65E6P, Rev 05.30.02, I have had lots of intermittent problems with picture and sound - the worst was HDMI/ARC locked in PCM mode which prevented any surround sound decoding by my processor because PCM only passes Mono or Stereo to the processor through ARC or through optical connection. The sound option for "AUTO" detection was grayed out and could not be selected. After hours/days of searching the web for a solution finding nothing led me to a phone call to LG - and after doing everything I already did on my own they told me I had to do a HARD RESET - you all know what happens when you do that - anyway it did correct the problem, my frustration is why did it lock up in the first place so I can avoid having to spend over an hour reprogramming all of my customizations lost in the reset - no answer. So, what I found and did is the following:

1) Turned off automatic software updates - this way I can track whether the updates I allow manually, negatively affect the TV

2) I found that when the TV starts acting up - for example - while using my XBOX 1 - the screen periodically goes into screen saver mode by itself in the middle of a game, this also sometimes happens when I change channels on my FIOS Cable box, sound problems - the sound especially on dolby digital content - cuts off and on - very annoying, if I let these early problems fester, they get worse, I start to notice digital artifacts on my screen (noise?) - I FOUND A SOLUTION - I went to the OLED PANEL Settings Menu at bottom of main "Picture" Menu, and selected CLEAR PANEL NOISE - you need to turn off the TV for this function to work (do its thing) - takes about an hour to complete so best done at bedtime - When you turn TV back on you will get a message telling you whether or not the activity complete successfully - and this WORKS 100% of the time.

My assumption is if you do not perform this maintenance that the TV will eventually get to the point where only a hard reset will correct the problems. Clearing panel noise does not reset any customizations so it is safe to do - According to what I was able to ascertain, this function is necessary after keeping the TV on for extended periods, it sounds like there may be some kind of static charge that builds from extended viewing that interferes with the circuitry inside the TV. It seems that this condition can only be reversed using this feature sort of like the old degaussing feature on older TVs. This may explain somewhat why powering down and removing the electrical plug temporarily provides some relief butthe problem comes back within a short time. When I perform the CLEAR NOISE function, the TV is good for a couple of weeks to a month, depending if I keep it on for long periods - since I use the TV for work (analyzing schematics) it may stay on for 12 hours a day, in those cases I may have to clear panel noise more frequently, under normal watching conditions (3-4 hours a day) I can go for 1 to 2 months before I notice issues with the screen.

Keep in mind that it not only fixed picture related issues, but also issues with sound and with WEBOS software - 

 For those of you with this feature in your LG OLED TV - Try it I hope it helps



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