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I have noted that TV WebOS is very slow and when you start TV it taking long time to go to any menu.


Is there any way to make it fast ? 

Is there any way that it will update program guide quickly ?

Is it possble to change Change font size ?

Does magic remote cofigurable ? Is it possible to change remote scroll wheel to sound insted of changing channel ?

If you connect to any HDMI device it taking long time to switch back to normal TV mode some time it requied to switch off an switch on. 

This is dumb OS. I should have check before buying it. Please any one has answer to make it fast ?

Is it is possible to change OS if I dont want to use WebOS ? 

New buyer please check before you jump to WebOS 

  • Like 6

Agreed, i alredy posted my disapoitment, I was fulled by the tv presentation about LGwebOS, it is actualy worse than any OS i have ever seen on TV as far the performance - the idea it selff is OK. switching chanels takes 3-5 sec opening seings somtimes takes up to 10 sec. you can only chose external or tv speakers not simuntaniasly and many more other things. I would gladly install google TV if there will be posibility or - even previuse LG smart tv OS

  • Like 5

I am happy with WebOS. What you wrote are normal things in a new OS. It will improve in time. Make sure you have the latest firmware on your TV.

The star-up speed is improving with every firmware. This is a pc like software. So it is normal to take abit of time to start all the services. Concerning the speed in changing the channels this may be cable operator related. The issue with changing from HDMI to Live TV is not present on my set running 3.23.24. Fw.

If you like Android you should have waited a bit more. Philips is launching its android TV top line which is three times more expensive than the LG. Also will be present only on active 3d tvs.

Last, if you really dislike your tv so much give it back to the store.

  • Like 1

Most of the comments would suggest the software is still somewhat immature. Remember that this is the very first version of WebOS for the TV, and it has only been released for a few months now, and during that time several updates have been released that have resolved some issues. The good news with this is that LG have probably a few years worth of updates to solve these issues until the current hardware is obsolete and you HAVE to buy a whole new TV set. The bad news is of course that we have no idea what kind of items they have on their backlog. I doubt a company like LG have portals like Microsofts "Connect" where e.g. anyone can vote up new features, bugs etc for their products. For us, the only way are through official channels. And the more that report a specific problem, the more likely is that it will be resolved.


For a first release, I think the OS is "OK". There are many features missing or not working properly, but I assume (without knowing) that they will be resolved in due time. If not, then the next time I won't buy an LG TV...




  • Like 3

Not sure if anyone had a palm pre when webos first came out and was at version 1.0, but if you compare that to a palm pre 2 and the later versions of webos, it's night and day. Just like any OS, it's bound to get better.


sorry. but i think this WebOS on the LG 2014 TV's (like my LB700V) is da Bomb. Netflix starts much faster then on my IPad or mobile. The apps are still a bit few, but more come every month.


Could do with a PLEX support like in previous LG SmartOS.

  • Like 1

TV is nice but there are a lot of details to be fixed. And as far as we know this is not a strong part of LG.

Frustrating slow interface. TV may have worked a long time and can switch options menu, wait at least 10 seconds. All this happens in a dual-core processor.
SmartShare again can not remember my desire, to i see the content in folders.
Bad maintenance of subtitles. There is no possibility to change and preserve the default encoding to another on the list. At the same time can remembers the color, size and position of the subtitle.
For extra as 3D dynamic subtitles, that each blu ray device supports, i do not even think.

I do not want to talk about the strange consumer agreements and any restriction imposed by LG, if you do not accept. Such arrogance, even Apple does not allow.

  • Like 2

Maybe some things will be fixed but I disbelieve in success. I am on disappointed side, fulled by "trusted" reviews. It is so paranoid closed OS, probably smart in spying owners of TV but dumb when things go wrong (connection to android phone as TV remote as example). It record only on USB hard drive only and recorded media can be played only on LG TV? Why? Web browser without download? Why it can upload (and share) information about my behaviors but I can't download picture from email? That are not bugs in "new" OS, it is so because somebody want it, and there will be no luck.
LB650 is my first "smart" TV, I don't know how others works.

  • Like 1

Being LG Apps developer, I must disappoint you, but there will be no improvement in the nearest future. They have lack of staff and are very slow to even test the submitted apps, not to mention the development of OS itself. Their interest is only to sell millions of TVs.

  • Like 4

... It record only on USB hard drive only and recorded media can be played only on LG TV? Why?...

This is related to the requirements of the Digital Rights Management (DRM) and is present in almost all devices with recording capability.


Being LG Apps developer, I must disappoint you, but there will be no improvement in the nearest future. They have lack of staff and are very slow to even test the submitted apps, not to mention the development of OS itself. Their interest is only to sell millions of TVs.


If that is true then I am deeply worried. I have tested the TV with WebOS and the first adaptation is OK and works better for me than the old platform. But if they loose momentum in the development of the OS itself then I am afraid other competitors will sidestep in a near future. WebOS for TV is good in my opinion, but there are a myriad of small details that needs to be resolved, like subtitling, guide loading etc etc.


I have always thought that this is the first generation of the OS, and if I buy a high end TV set today, it will be able to run both the 2nd and 3rd generation of the OS without problem. But this new info makes me worried, deeply.




This is related to the requirements of the Digital Rights Management (DRM) and is present in almost all devices with recording capability.


Corrent, but it is a bit strange that LG chooses to implement this in the way they do. For example, WIndows Media Center also record TV to the HDD in a wtv format, which is basically an h.264 container. But on this system, it is the DRM flag in the feed itself that controls how the content can be played, LG has taken the other way around, and by default setting EVERYTHING to copy protected. 


Why it is like this, I have no clue, but I think the WMC way is much better, since it allow me to move or view almost all recordings from one HDD to another.




Not sure if anyone had a palm pre when webos first came out and was at version 1.0, but if you compare that to a palm pre 2 and the later versions of webos, it's night and day. Just like any OS, it's bound to get better.

Given that LG indeed have a roadmap for their OS, and spend money to make it better. It is my hope that they don't waste such a golden opportunity on the smart tv market, but if they choose to ignore the community and just focus on selling tv sets without fixing all the small annoying issues, it is not likely that the next smart tv the customer buys will be from LG.


I would love to hear something official from the LG webOS team, just exactly what the future development looks like...


But given that they can't even seem to produce a change list to their patches, maybe it is hoping for too much....




I am just wondering why LG went with WebOS, when with android TV you are sure that there will be ongoing development and huge team of people working on it. I just hoppe that someone will make available to change OS on TV as you can change it on phone, and i would emidiatly switch to Android TV!

  • Like 3

@Mr North.

I think that a better solution for you would have been to buy a cheap non smart tv and to attach in the back an Asus Vivopc with windows 8.1. In this way you wold have had the freedom of a PC combined with a big screen tv.


Until this year Android TV has been a nice fairytale. I read a review of the Android TV system and it was not stellar. 99% of the apps are not optimized for the TV, the Android system itself is a mess because it has a too broad scope and it runs on a 1001 devices with totally different specs. I own an Android miniPC and is bareley useable with an air mouse. Most of the android apps that run on a tablet are not running of the minipc because they do not detect a touch device or they are not drm signed by the owners of the service. So if you think that Android TV is God's gift for the world go and be an early adopter for that one too. After that I am looking forward for your honest review.


@Mr North.

I think that a better solution for you would have been to buy a cheap non smart tv and to attach in the back an Asus Vivopc with windows 8.1. In this way you wold have had the freedom of a PC combined with a big screen tv.



Have already evaluated this idea as a possible successor to our current successful HTPC with Windows Media Center. It fails on a number of accounts, mostly that you need a mouse/keyboard and/or a combo thingy to navigate it. Not exactly ergonomic if you are "zapping" around from the sofa. Also, there is very bad support in Windows 8 for regular DVB-T TV. Either you have to install media center just for the TV part or you have to resort to the really bad apps that accompany the TV tuner cards. No thank you Sir.


I see no reason why WebOS should fail. They have a great OS, development resources to back it up, they are getting excellent reviews and based on everything I have read so far, WebOS for TV is a rising star... all LG have to do is keep building on the concept since I doubt they can afford to loose momentum at this moment. Basically, it is a good product, but it needs refinement and polishing to excel further. And from what I have read in the press as statements from LG officials, they are committed to the WebOS platform as the successor to NetCast, an excellent choice it seems. Surely they will implement most of the features the existing NetCast platform has, and I also expect further development of the WebOS platform that will result in future updates.


Fingers crossed...




  • 2 months later...

Yes, LG WebOS TV sucks !

i am used to my LG Smart TV LA6400 series (LG software) and it is quick, responsive and i do not have any problem with subtitles when playing Movies with arabic subtitles.


the old platform was great compared to WebOS ... i am not happy with the transition.

it is not accepted to have this "faux-pas" while all electronics manufacturers plan for improvements LG did a huge mistake using the WebOS.

the main purpose for buying a smart TV is to benefit from its internet access and movie playing and this is not achieved with LG WebOS TV.


i am not sure if this is the correct place to emphasize my problem... but i need solutions hope any LG Customer service support can contact me.

  • Like 1

Yes, LG WebOS TV sucks !

i am used to my LG Smart TV LA6400 series (LG software) and it is quick, responsive and i do not have any problem with subtitles when playing Movies with arabic subtitles.


the old platform was great compared to WebOS ... i am not happy with the transition.

it is not accepted to have this "faux-pas" while all electronics manufacturers plan for improvements LG did a huge mistake using the WebOS.

the main purpose for buying a smart TV is to benefit from its internet access and movie playing and this is not achieved with LG WebOS TV.


i am not sure if this is the correct place to emphasize my problem... but i need solutions hope any LG Customer service support can contact me.




I fail to see why a poor implementation of a smart tv platform can ever be the fault of the operating system? In this case, the developer team where given the task of implementing a smart tv platform using the web os operating system, and as far as I can see by reading the SDK and developer design guidelines, they have done a great job. The SDK seem pretty solid, the design guidelines are really good, so, from my point of view, all the tools are there.


So who is it to blame here for the bad experiences that people are having? Why broken stuff never gets fixed, why the performance is still bad after this many months, why it takes forever for a 3rd party app to be reviewed? Well, the people holding the money, the product owers who decide what features to implement, what bugs to fix, how to communicate with the community etc etc. In this perspective, LG gets from me an F, whereas the initial "1.0 release" was really good.


For me it really feels like someone at LG want webos to fail so the koreans can go back to the "icon walls" the asians seem to love (and the rest of the world seem to hate). The symptoms are plenty:


* Poor communication with the superusers (e.g. us), just compare to the thriving community for the xbox one where they keep an open dialogue with the community. There is valuable input here. LG doesn't care or doesn't want to listen. Or else they woold have people monitor these boards.


* Lots of features where only partially implemented (such as subtitles, guide loading, smartshare, BT, performance etc) most likely because there was not enough time when doing the initial release 1.0. You can only do so many things given the timeframe and budget. But the "normal" procedure when introducing your flagship operating system would be to pick up the pace after 1.0 release and get working with your long "to do" list and finish the implementation of the many subsystems that really need some TLC. LG has not bothered to do anything with the subtitles, the smartshare, the slow guide loading etc etc. They fix some minor stuff, nothing else. As compared to the XBox one which was also seriosly crippled when 1.0 was released.Now, Microsoft is hitting the afterburners, pumping our a feature pack EVERY MONTH with plenty of new features and bug fixes. LG is doing the exact opposite.


So, to blame webos for a crappy OS is kind of like blame the paint tubes for an ugly painting. The blame is 100% LG management.


I find it somewhat amazing that given all the positive feedback the media has given this smart+ platform, it seems very strange why they have cut the budget to what seems like "life support only maintenance". They should have multiple teams fixing bugs, developing new features + working on the next gen webos platform... Maybe that is what happens when a company that sells everything from fridges to cameras to whatever get something like this in their hands, it dies as a result from the atmosphere and lack of care. I see great potential in webos, they just need to get their act together, sort out the most annoying things (subtitles, media playback, awful smart(dumb)share, slow guide loading, performance etc). 


/Henrik - Software developer/architect with +15 years in the industry.


Henrik, you're totally right. I am Smart TV app developer and the experience with LG is absolutely horrible (comparing to Samsung).


At the moment, they can't even test the submitted 3rd party apps, because they are testing 2015 webOS TVs and they don't have resources to do QA on the submitted apps until the middle of november.  Just go to seller.lgappstv.com and you'll see the message. They also recently cut their QA staff, although the amount of apps only increased. 


Even before this "delay", you could easily wait up to 1 month for your app to get tested, so imagine how many troubles they have developing the platform.


As to webOS, all the main guys from webOS left LG for good (because of LG's management) and I won't be surprised if webOS is dropped at some point.


For now, it seems they tried to stuff LG's functions to already-developed enyo framework, but they have done it surprisingly bad. And they don't know how to develop outside of it.

  • 3 weeks later...

LG webos TVs are crap, slow sluggish, and with the newest update i cant see my plex server... total bullshit.

The technology they use - webos have already failed 2 times under palm and hp, this is the third time that is failing. Although the system might be good in theory and the interface is somehow fancy, there is not nearly enough information on how to solve a specific problem that you might have plus you only have access to very basic stuff.

The browser doesn't have flash support nor html5, so you basically cant watch any video in the browser, you can only read stuff.

The lack of support for flash is somehow understandable but html5?!

super dumb decisions are being made at LG.

Good luck finding detailed specs for the Lg TVs online, for the ram, internal memory, the processors etc, since the performance of the TVs nowdays depends on that.. or find out how the models are lined up.

The community sucks balls, there is no one to help you if you are stuck with something.

Not to mention LG support is terrible.

If you think about buying one dont, either wait for android tvs or buy non smart Tv with fast menus and get hdmi android box and attach it to the tv, much better solution.

Most of the manufacturers are not sure what they are doing with the smart TVs, it's still transitional period and is just a big mess.

Edit: I have 2 samsung and 2 LG TVs of same generation and price range... The samsungs are by far superior TVs.

  • Like 2
  • 1 month later...

:D  :D I am just wondering why LG went with WebOS, when with android TV you are sure that there will be ongoing development and huge team of people working on it. I just hoppe that someone will make available to change OS on TV as you can change it on phone, and i would emidiatly switch to Android TV! :D  :lol: 

  • Like 1

:D  :D I am just wondering why LG went with WebOS, when with android TV you are sure that there will be ongoing development and huge team of people working on it. I just hoppe that someone will make available to change OS on TV as you can change it on phone, and i would emidiatly switch to Android TV! :D  :lol: 



That's doubtful that they will support it. LG is full force into webOS and Samsung is full force into Tizen. Two major manufacturers that do not want Google to have the market or dictate what has to be part of the OS in their TVs.


I am just wondering why LG went with WebOS, when with android TV you are sure that there will be ongoing development and huge team of people working on it. I just hoppe that someone will make available to change OS on TV as you can change it on phone, and i would emidiatly switch to Android TV!



@Mr North.

I think that a better solution for you would have been to buy a cheap non smart tv and to attach in the back an Asus Vivopc with windows 8.1. In this way you wold have had the freedom of a PC combined with a big screen tv.


Until this year Android TV has been a nice fairytale. I read a review of the Android TV system and it was not stellar. 99% of the apps are not optimized for the TV, the Android system itself is a mess because it has a too broad scope and it runs on a 1001 devices with totally different specs. I own an Android miniPC and is bareley useable with an air mouse. Most of the android apps that run on a tablet are not running of the minipc because they do not detect a touch device or they are not drm signed by the owners of the service. So if you think that Android TV is God's gift for the world go and be an early adopter for that one too. After that I am looking forward for your honest review.

i have a new 47lb700 (i think) its the second one in 6 weeks the tv won't even let you use a android tv box on them screen just flashes

  • 4 weeks later...

I have read some of your comments and I give you reason, lost time creating the webos 2.0 while the 1.0 is still buggy, and even to their opinions as they answer, I consulted with messages having the Italian section, I am reporting the Italian problems, in the end the Italian section told me that I need to consult the korea, but we have exceeded all limits, I bought at the end of October 2014 42lb650v tv, with remote control 500 separately, they put a lot of things automatically by default without the possibility of intervention by the user 's, have made the connection to usb hdd I l' I added, but then the internet browser does not even allow you to download on it even their firmware updates, is incrediblie do such a thing.
I think they used us as guinea pigs customers, the basic functionality needed to verify them before putting them on the market, we are not talking of small problems but things bloated, it is as if I buy a PC, it takes me a text editor then I can not save or print this text, useless. I am very disappointed, especially for the 'attitude towards their customers, they think to 2.0 without first solving the 1.0 at least we would provide the 2.0 as an alternative.

  • 1 month later...

Have to concur with everyone here.


If there is a QA process at all for apps its inconsistent or they sleep through the test

  • Some of the applications are so basic that the Roku apps look like from another galaxy
  • Screen size and font scalability in the OS are nonexistent
  • The Facebook app looks like a 5-year old stitched it together (no offense to young talents though ;))
  • WebBrowser can't produce any download speeds above 7MBit which makes it pointless for streaming
  • Basic features like cookie management with password retention are missing (who wants to log back into an application every time they open the browser?).
  • NetFlix app opens on 4K content with solid magenta background showing the movie in the top right corner for around 10 seconds before it scales to full screen size
  • Color calibration is pointless. Looks impressive from the capabilities but thats about it. Any setting combination results either an overly vivid or dull experience.
  • Technical documentation is a joke. Does the TOSLINK path through all the Dolby / DTS standards LG claims to support?
  • Deep Color setting can only be triggered globally and not per HDMI port which is a PITA
  • Miracast latency is out of this word

and the list could go on forever ...


LG, what were you thinking and why in the world did it have to be another 'embedded OS'.
Take note how great Windows 8 embedded powers the XBOX One!

  • 9 months later...

WebOs very BAD. I have new UHD tv 40UF7787 and it very slow. Change channel - 2-3 seconds. Don`t remember my choise: audio language in cable tv. I need every time when change channel, change audio language (every channel have two audio languages in cable tv).


Very slow TV Guide. Very slow to launch movie on USB. Everything very slow!!! My tv not cheap - 40" - 699 EUR. I have older Samsung smart tv - it very fast to compare with LG. I am very angry on LG!!!


I purchased the LG 43LF6300 Smart Tv and here are the experience that I had.


  • It is very, very laggy. Everything lags, from the simplest menus to the opening of apps, to the loading of content.
  • LG Content Store works 1 time out of ...50. Virtually nothing gets installed or updated
  • When I contacted the LG support via chat they were unaware of the issue with the LG Content Store and told me that it's my router's problem (which it isn't)


I have and "old" 2013 Samsung Smart Tv, it's lighting faster in everything.


LG and it's webOS is a disappointment. I was misguided by reviews on the Internet. Don't buy LG. Go for Samsung, it's support line was good, polite and punctual. Samsung TVs also have the Remote Access feature where the technician can operate and troubleshoot the tv remotely.


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